Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Desolation Angel Radio June 22nd,, 2023 Comstock 75 Breakfast Club Summer Edition
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
A couple of weeks ago, Diane Parker LaPiana, Mary Knecht (O'Leary), Tom Bennett, Jill Baskerville and myself got together for one of our monthly Comstock 75 Breakfast Club meetings. We went on a bit. I've edited down over 2 1/2 hours of conversation between the 5 of us (yes, we can talk) to about an hour and surrounded it on either side with some great summer music from back in the day picked by all of us. It is, when you listen, a lot more than old friends just catching up and talking about what happens. It's the sound of connection, and friendship and decades of lives. Anymore, when it all comes down to it, that's what really counts. So turn it on, stream it, enjoy and we'll get together again real soon
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
This episode is chock full. We talk about workshops, activities, vendors (both food and merch) and volunteer opportunities at the 30th Great Blue Heron Music Festival coming up here in less than 25 days. We have a good interview with Avi and Uma, who are facilitating the upcoming inaugural Intentional Camping weekend at the Heron, the first of 4 this Summer, coming up here in a couple of weeks, and what's it's about and how you can be part of that weekend. We even talk about the 2nd annual Barnapalooza, the Heron Pre-fest party held next door to the Heron Festival grounds, and what that's about and how you can attend.
Music throughout the episode from bands playing at the30th GBH Music Festival: Peter Rowan, Folkfaces, Tiger Maple String Band, Smackdab, St. Vith, Root Shock, Orquesta La Muralla, Driftwood, Miller and The Other Sinners, Mo' Mojo, PA Line and New Planets.
(Bonus segment: Near the end, I have some time, and you get to hear what I listen to, what Kip listens to, when the weather turns, and the windows are down and I'm singing along, loud, the music that makes me love music and always have)
Desolation Angel Radio is available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and all podcast collection services for streaming, listening, subscription and download
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Desolation Angel Radio - Great Blue Heron Music Festival/Heron Memorial Day episode
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
This episode of the Desolation Angel Radio podcast is a full one. Information about the upcoming May Day at the Heron and the Celebration of Life for Tammy Rayborne, both this upcoming Memorial Day weekend. Information about volunteering and tickets for the 30th Great Blue Heron Music Festival. In-depth interviews with Steve Rockcastle, Dave Weinberg, and Renee Manning.
Music from bands you'll hear at the festival. Peter Rowan, Couch, Henhouse Prowlers, The Tan and Sober Gentlemen, Keller and the Keels, Farrow, Driftwood, Kevin Kinsella, Donna the Buffalo, Kaleta and Super Yamba, Dr. Bacon and Jim Donovan & The Sun King Warriors.
Desolation Angel Radio is available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and all podcast services for streaming, subscription, downloading and listening
Friday May 19, 2023
Desolation Angel Radio May 19th 2023 - Robert Dean Interview
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
This episode of the podcast finds me interviewing Robert Dean, an author out of Austin, Texas that I knew when we both lived in New Orleans. (He's also known as Bobby Hilliard)
His new book, Existential Thirst Trap is one of the better I've wrapped my head around in a while, and one I highly recommend. Listen in as we talk for an hour about where the book comes from, the soul and state of writing in 2023 and being who we are, head on off into talking about common experiences living in New Orleans, about growing up in Great Lakes (he's from Chicago, I'm from Michigan, halfway between Chicago and Detroit) and just generally have a good time. Listen to the episode, buy the book. There's some great music in here this week too.
Desolation Angel Radio is available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts and all podcast services for streaming, subscription, download and listening.
Friday May 12, 2023
Desolation Angel Radio May 12th 2023 - Great Blue Heron Memorial Day edition
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
This episode of the podcast finds us talking to Julie Rockcastle and Minde Hankins about the upcoming opening weekend of the season, Memorial Day weekend with Sunday being Heron May Day 2023 and the Celebration of Life for Tammy Rayborne on Saturday. As well, a good conversation with Les Ticknor where we talk about his history with the Heron, going back to the first one, and we wind up talking about ways of supporting sober people at the Heron. There's a short segment with me at the end about volunteer opportunities, and Spring work that has started now.
Music from bands that will be at the Great Blue Heron 30th this upcoming summer on June 30th, July 1st and 2nd. Driftwood, Folkfaces, Jim Donovan & Sun King Warriors, Peter Rowan, Kevin Kinsella, Kaleta, The Probables and Farrow.
Desolation Angel Radio is available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, ,Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and all podcast streaming services for subscription, download, streaming, listening and more.
Thank You
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
This episode of the podcast is another Comstock 75 Breakfast Club edition, the once a month meeting we hold. Along with John Stanaszek, Diane Parker, LaPiana, Tom Bennett, Gina Thomas (Hammond), Steve Schultz, just like we've been able in the past to bring in Jill Baskerville and Paula Chase, we were lucky enough to have Mary Knecht (O'Leary) in again, and this time we had Karen Sparks-Sperry and Jan Fine Watson join us. Yes, the original crew is back together. (Trust me, there's pictures from '74 and '75 of all of us together). Mary talks extensively about the O'Leary Foundation, the benefit and charity their family founded, and the upcoming event here in a couple of weeks in Kalamazoo, MI (and how you can join or help out virtually if you can't make it to Kalamazoo).
From a heart standpoint, the connections are obvious and precious. It isn't small talk. It's friends who go back 50 years that have managed to stay connected on a lot more than just a "how are the kids and grandkids" basis, but be connected still on a deeper level.
The music is all picked by them, except the end piece which is always something I pick. Enjoy, a couple of hours of old friends, who are still managing to find a way to make a difference in the world.
Desolation Angel Radio is available for subscription, download and streaming on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and all podcast collection and streaming services.
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Desolation Angel Radio - 30th Great Blue Heron - more volunteer information
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
This week, Desolation Angel Radio sits down with Ryan Hoitink and Josh Fox and talks about the volunteer opportunities around Spring work, which is starting, and the kitchen and the fire and drum circle during the 30th Great Blue Heron Music Fesitival. Music from Keller and the Keels, Donna the Buffalo, Folkfaces, The Probables, Kevin Kinsella, Farrow, Henhouse Prowlers and Dr. Bacon.
A little segment of music at the end of the hour that's been crossing my personal radar lately as well.
Desolation Angel Radio is available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and all podcast collection services.
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Desolation Angel Radio April 15th 2023 - River Glen Interview
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
This episode of the Desolation Angel Radio podcast is centered around an interview I did earlier this week with River Glen, a musician I've known a long time, who has a new album dropping May 1st, As Above, So Below. An extensive, in-depth interview where we talk about the creative process of bringing this album to life, about where it comes from, and about the 170 plus musicians who are part of the album, many of whom are talked about by name, and the creative process behind some of the tracks, the thought, soul and heart that went into them, the musicianship and artistry, along with how to preorder the album, and the tour that's being put together to support the release. It's the entire first half of the show, the interview along with some tracks from the album.
The second half of the show, I do something I haven't done in a while, play a lot of music that I listen to, all of it new, some of it unreleased, as of yet, tracks from upcoming albums, and all of those cuts, all of those tracks carry some common things. They're songs of hope, (you'll have to listen to the whole show, and the interview and cuts from River's album to understand the tie-in), songs of collaboration and songwriting and musicianship.
Bottom line? This entire episode is centered around music, and what a critical part it plays in all of our lives. Enjoy
Desolation Angel Radio is available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and all podcast collection and distribution services for subscription, streaming and downloading.